"God is eagerly waiting for the chance to answer your prayers and fulfill your dreams, just as he always has. But he can't if you don't pray, and he can't if you don't dream. In short, he can't if you don't believe."
-Jeffrey R. Holland

Thursday, May 17, 2012


As Kyhle and I were starting a movie on Tuesday, we got a knock on our door at 8:30.  Kyhle opened it, and in walks my sister Laura cheerfully saying, "I'm here to clean!"  She brought a bag full of her own cleaning supplies and got right to work cleaning our bathroom and our kitchen.  She told me she had to surprise me or else I would have just kept telling her I was fine and didn't need her help. Ha!  I must have been wrong because she was here for 2 hours scrubbing away.  Each time I would get up to try to help her at all, she would say, "Sit down!  I need to have something to do!" To top that off, she brought us a yummy dinner on Wednesday night.  We were also delivered two delicious meals from my awesome Visiting Teachers, Carrie and Heather.  I know it is out of their way to come all the way down just to drop some food off, but we really do appreciate it! 

I am so grateful for such loving friends and family who have been there for us in so many different ways.  Whether it's through service, prayers, kind thoughts and messages, it means the world to us.  

Surgery was a success!  As most of you know, they did find Endometriosis, and they it's stage one, which is obviously the stage you'd want to have.  The doc said he was able to burn all of the scar tissue and clear everything out.  You'd think that would mean we could just go ahead and get pregnant now, but unfortunately it's not that easy.  Between the next 3-6 months, we have a 20-30% chance of conceiving.  After that, they recommend other options, such as IVF.  Kyhle and I will plan on giving it a year to continue on our own, and will go from there after that.  

My recovery has been rocky.  I was able to stay at my parent's house Thursday-Sunday and be well taken care of.  Monday was my first day alone at home, and it was fine.  I had my first post-op apt on Monday afternoon, and the nurse could tell I had already been doing too much since being on my own.  Yes, I had done 4 loads of laundry and cleaned the entire apartment.  Probably not a good idea.  I took it easy on Tuesday since Kyhle had the day off, and so I figured I felt good enough to return to work Wednesday, despite the doctor's advice. (The doc wanted me to wait 'til Friday, but said they'd give me a note if I really wanted to return sooner.)  I went to work for 6 hours on Wednesday, then asked my boss if I could go home because my incisions weren't feeling too good.  I ended up staying home today, and am hoping I can return tomorrow.  We'll see.  

Why do I have to find it so hard to just listen to the doctor.  I tell myself, "Oh, I'm just picking up one baby really fast.  I'm not picking up the 40 lb kid.  What can it hurt?"  A lot, actually.  That's why the doc tells me not to.  Well,  I got scolded by both my husband and my father.  I guess I shouldn't be so stubborn.  

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Good Things to Come

“Don't you quit. You keep walking, you keep trying, there is help and happiness ahead. Some blessings come soon. Some come late. Some don't come until heaven. But for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, they come. It will be alright in the end. Trust God and believe in Good Things to Come.” 
- Jeffrey R. Holland

A few weeks ago in Relief Society, a friend of mine gave a beautiful lesson about trials and tribulations, and how to overcome them.  I felt like her lesson was meant just for me.  It was exactly what I needed to hear.  Also during this lesson, I was holding a sweet little boy, 10 month old Marshall.  As I was swaying back and forth listening to Jeni's lesson, Marshall fell asleep on my lap and I just couldn't help but hold tight to him. 

A few days ago before my surgery, Jeni, the same friend who taught the Relief Society lesson, sent me a very thoughtful email.  She knew I was feeling nervous and scared about my surgery, and all of the unknown that came with it.  She attached a few different links in the email of video clips, songs, and talks from Conferences.   Again, it was exactly what I needed to watch/listen to/read.  

Thank you, dear Jeni, for being such a wonderful example and light in my life.  You are sincerely loved and greatly appreciated by many.