Last night as I was watching The Bachelor, they were introducing the ladies that are going to be competing for Chris's heart this season. I got so excited when they introduced Whitney, a fertility nurse from Chicago! I paused the TV, grabbed Kyhle, and excitedly told him about her. I also immediately put her on my top 10 list. ;) I then started the show back up, quickly pausing it again as I realized I hadn't taken my Lupron shot yet. If I hadn't of been so excited about a fertility nurse talking about how she helps make babies, I would have totally spaced it and missed my January dose! Thank goodness for The Bachelor. :)
I have been trying very hard to not complain about the side effects that come from Lupron, the injection that is treating my adenomyosis. All I really care about is that it does what it is supposed to, the three months will quickly come to an end, and we can move forward with our journey. The last month has definitely had it's challenges, mostly fighting strong migraines, hot flashes, exhaustion, and memory loss. Sometimes I don't think I notice the memory loss as much unless I am at work. I often find myself saying, "Now tell me how to do that again...", and there are post-its all over my desk throughout the day with reminders of tasks I need to get done during my day, and also things to do when I get home in the evening. I will then put the post-its in my purse when I go home, and just hope that I can remember to get them out of my purse once I'm home. ;)
My other big challenge has been the exhaustion--I want to be in my bed all the time! I love coming home from work, putting on my jams, and just climbing right in to bed. No energy to clean, no energy to cook, no energy to leave my house, and no energy just to make it out to the couch. All bed, all the time, sometimes falling asleep for 2-3 hours in the evening, just to go back to bed at 10 or 11 at night.
Yes, the Lupron is giving me it's challenges, and yes it would be easier if I just didn't have to take it. But I remember (surprisingly) the quote, "Nothing worth having in life comes easy." Isn't that the truth? We are all faced with challenges everyday, some harder than others. It's the way we tackle those challenges that can make us miserable, or remind us that it's just another hurdle to jump, ultimately getting us to the finish line.
To all of our dear friends and family that have donated to our next cycle of IVF and/or shared our GoFundMe page, we have been so blessed and humbled by your love, support, and generosity. Thank you!
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