We had our garage sale on Saturday, and I am happy to report that we had a great turn out! My sister, Laura, was generous to offer her garage/driveway to us, and she and her husband, David, were so much help! Kyhle and I are so grateful for all of their hard work they put in to making this garage sale possible. My mom was able to haul a mountain of items up to my sister's to donate, so we had a pretty good amount to sell. On the Saturday before, we went to Laura's to go through all of the items and price everything out. Families from Laura's ward loaned us some card tables to set up, and that was such a big help. Thank you, Westfield ward!
We woke up bright and early Saturday morning, and got everything set up out in the driveway. We started the sale at 8:30, and we put sings in the front of the neighborhood and on lamp posts with arrows back to the house, as Laura lives in the back of her neighborhood. I posted the sale on Craigslist and Facebook, so we were hoping for a good turn out.
My three year old nephew, Eli, was so excited to have his first lemonade stand and bake sale! Laura made some brownies and chocolate chip cookies. Lemonade was 50 cents and the baked treats were 25 cents. Eli made $5 on his first sale! The neighbor was outside washing his truck when he saw Eli set up his table, and came on over and put $5 in Eli's cup! Eli sure did cling tight to that money! He was such a sweet little sales man, and you just couldn't say no to him. :)
I was getting worried as a whole hour went by and we had zero customers come by. I thought the shoppers would be out early! Finally around 10:00, a few cars pulled up and the sale officially kicked off! We really sold quite the mixture of items--baby items were definitely most popular. We sold dishes, radios, jewelry, clothes, toys, CDs, DVDs, a dresser, and a few other pieces of "junk." We had busy spurts throughout the whole day. We would go 20 minutes with no action, then 4 cars pull up at once. We ended up closing the sale at 4 PM, and we were happy with the result of our hard work.
My dad came up and joined us for the afternoon (mom is out of town), and he seemed to have a good time hanging out and playing with Eli. The boys played with Eli's toys in the front yard in between sales, and Dad bought us pizza for lunch. Thanks, Dad!
We still have SO much left over, that we are hoping to have another sale at my parent's house in Greenwood the first weekend of September (as long as weather permits), so I am hoping we can have an even better turn out. My parents live in the front of their neighborhood on the main street, and they have a ton of traffic coming through all day.
And now the results of the sale--we were able to raise $153.00! How awesome is that? I wasn't sure what to expect, as I had never had a garage sale before, but seeing as most of what we sold was between 50 cents-$3, I'd say $153 is pretty good! :)
With the help of our sale, we are now up to $3,289.25 in our baby fund! We love seeing that number increase! Every dollar gets us closer and closer to our future baby, and we feel so excited and anxious to get to our goal. I can't believe what we have been able to do in a matter of three months. We are hoping to do our IVF in September or October, so I am excited to see what we can do in the next couple of months!
Awesome! And inspirational!!! I am thinking of doing something similar, so I am glad to see you had a good turn out! Keep going!