As I've said many times, I have the privilege of working in a private daycare, and have built great relationships with each of "my kids." We now have 14 kids, ages 8 weeks to 4 years. This job has been both challenging and rewarding. I am grateful I get to spend my days as a "mom" for all of the children there. That's what I am doing. I am a fill-in-mom for the day. I (along with my co-workers) make breakfast, lunch and dinner, change diapers, do story times, sing songs, break up fights and try to make peace. I teach them, comfort them and nurture them. I am mom for the day.
I don't know if anyone is more prepared to be a mom than I am. This job has completely prepared me for that. I think I am a professional diaper changer and multi-tasker. I have mastered the art of eating while bouncing a baby on my lap. I am skilled at getting lunch ready for 10 kids, while trying to entertain two babies in the kitchen with me. I am talented at opening drawers with my feet, while making a bottle and holding the baby in my arms. I know what I'm doing. I know each of their schedules, each of their habits, each of their personalities. I know when they are sick, and how to take care of them. I know what they are allergic to, and how to treat their asthma. I know how they like to be held when being rocked to sleep. I know them. All 14 of them.
Even though I am not able to have my own babies (right now) I am grateful for the opportunity to take care of other women's babies, and make sure they are safe, loved and given the attention they need. I have so much respect for all of the moms of my kids, and know they would much rather be with their babies during the day instead of at work. I am the lucky one, because I get to spend my day with all of these children, who help fill an emptiness in my heart. Each of them make me feel not only needed, but wanted.
I love getting to spend my days with them, even if they are not all good days. They aren't all good days when you are a stay-at-home mom, either. But each day has something new, and there is always a blessing that comes from it. Until I can stay at home with my own babies, I am grateful to be blessed with the privilege of staying with each of my work babies.